Active Ingredient:

40 g/Lt Quizalofop-p-tefuryl


Emulsion Concentrate (EC)


Works by inhibiting the acetyl CoA carboxylase ACCase enzyme at plant. Aryloxyphenoxy-propionate "FOB" group selecetive herbicide. It is systemic and taken by leaves and move to the growth points quickly

Plant Weed Rate / Period
Cotton Johnsongrass
(Sorghum halepense)
1500 ml / ha 15-20 cm lenght or 4-5 leaves
Cotton Bermuda Grass
(Cynodon dactylon)
3500 ml / ha 5-6 leaves
Vineyard Johnsongrass
(Sorghum halepense)
1500 ml / ha 15-20 cm lenght or 4-5 leaves
Red Lentil Wild Oat
(Avena sterilis)
1000 ml / ha 4-6 leaves (South East Anatolia)
Onion Wild Oat
(Avena sterilis)
1000 ml / ha 5-6 leaves
Beet Wild Oat
(Avena fatua)
1000 ml / ha 4-5 leaves (1-2 tillering)
Beet Bread Wheat
(Triticum aestivum)
1000 ml / ha 4-5 leaves (1-2 tillering)
Beet Barnyard Grass
(Echinocloa crusgalli)
1500 ml / ha 4-5 leaves (1-2 tillering)
Beet Slender Meadow Foxtail
(Alopecurus myosuroides)
1000 ml / ha 4-5 leaves (1-2 tillering)
Beet Wild Oat
(Avena sterilis)
1250 ml / ha 6-10 leaves (3-5 tillering)
Melon Johnsongrass
(Sorghum halepense)
1500 ml / ha 4-5 leaves (1-2 tillering)
Tomato Johnsongrass
(Sorghum halepense)
1500 ml / ha 15-20 cm lenght, 3-4 leaves

(*) Cannot be used in vineyard field for leafs which will be harvested for consuming.


Can be compatible with low acidic and non-basic formulations.

Enviromental Hazards:

Harmful to the fishes. Avoid releasing uncontrolled to the enviroment. Do not allow product and its disposals to contaminate water sources and soil.


No spesific antidote. Symptomatic treatment.