Active Ingredient:

193 g/L equal to Metalic Copper, Basic Copper Sulphate


Suspension Concentrate (SC)


A fungicide applied from leaf which has protective and treatment properties.

Plant Disease Rate PHI (day)
Grape Downy Mildew ( Plasmopara viticola ) 500 ml / 100 L water 21
Tomato Early Blight ( Alternaria solani ) 500 ml / 100 L water 21
Apple Apple Scap ( Venturia inaequalis ) 500 ml / 100 L water 21
Olive Olive Leaf Spot (Cyclocanium oleaginum) 500 ml / 100 L water 21
Apricot Shot Hole (Wilsonomyces carpophylus) 500 ml / 100 L water -


Idrorame SC can be compatible with every kind of pesticide which has neutral reaction.

Enviromental Hazards:

Toxic to the fishes, do not contaminate to the water sources.


No spesific antidote. Stomach irrigation with albümin solution. Give penicillamine from mouth, Ca-EDTA from vein and BAL from muscle.