Active Ingredient:

480 g/L Bifenazate-isopropyl 3


Suspension Concentrate (SC)


Acramite® 480 SC is a selective acaride which is used to control red spotted mites in orange, apple and cotton. It is from Bifenazate group and it is Neronal inhibitör.

Plant Pest Rate PHI (day)
Apple European Red Mite (Panonychus ulmi) 100 ml / 100 L water (larvae, nymph, adult) 14
Orange Citrus Red Mite ( Panonychus citri ) 40 ml / 100 L water (egg, larvae, nymph, adult) 14
Cotton Carmine Spider Mite (Tetranychus cinnabarinus) 300 ml / ha (egg, nymph, adult) 42
Cotton Two Spotted Red Mite (Tetranychus urticae) 300 ml / ha (egg, nymph, adult) 42
Grapevine* Two Spotted Red Mite (Tetranychus urticae) 30 ml / 100 L water (egg, larvae, nymph, adult) 14

(*) Cannot be used in vineyard field for leafs which will be harvested for consuming.


Acramite 480 SC can not be compatible with other plant protection products.

Enviromental Hazards:

Do not release uncontrolled to the enviroment. Do not allow product and its disposal to contaminate water sources and soil


No spesific antidote. Symptomatic tretament