ctive Ingredient:

500 g/Kg Formetanate


Water Soluble Powder (SP)


DICARZOL 50 SP is a contact and stomach poison effective.By inhibiting the cholinesteraze enzym, it prevents acetilcholin breaks into cholin and acetic acide that are playing role in warning of plant's neurologic system.

Plant Pest Rate PHI (day)
Cucumber (Greenhouse) Western Flower Thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis) 100 gr / 100 L water (larvae, adult) 7
Tobacco Thrips (Thrips tabaci) 1000 gr / ha (larvae, adult) 56
Strawberry Flower Thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis, F. intonsa) 100 gr / 100 L water (larvae, adult) 7
Eggplant (Greenhouse) Western Flower Thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis) 100 gr / 100 L water (larvae, adult) 7
Vineyard* Vineyard Thrips (Rubiothrips visit (Priesner); Mycterothrips albidicornis (Knechtel), Mycterothrips tschirkunae (Jachontov); Thrips tabaci Linderman) 100 gr / 100 L water (larvae, adult) 90
Carnation (Dianthus SPP) (Greenhouse)


(Taeniothrips sp, Franliniella occidentalis)

100 gr / 100 L water (larvae, adult) -

* Do not use in edible vineyard areas


Can be compatible with non-alcali pesticides and fertilizers.

Enviromental Hazards:

Harmful to the birds, fishes and bees. Do not contaminate water sources. Do not use in flowering period


Antidote is Atropin Sulphate. Symptomatic treatment