Harmful Organism Name Disease Name Administration dose Time Between Last Application and Harvest
vineyard* Unlubit (Planococcus citri) 150 ml / 100 L water All periods 7 day
Tomato Green wolf (Helicoverpa armigera) 200 ml/da, larva 7 day
Beans Bean Capsuleworm (Etiella zinckenella) 200 ml/da, larva 7 day
Poppy Poppy rootworm (Ceuthorrhynchus denticulatus) 200 ml/100 L water, adult 7 day
Cereals Warehouse cereals and products against pests 200 ml/100 m2 Empty warehouse application to the field -
Apricot Peach moth (Anarsia lineatella) 150 ml/100 L water, larvae 7 day
Egypt Cotton striped leafworm (Spodoptera exiqua) 200 ml/da, larva 7 day
Egypt Corn warehouse pests 200 ml/100 m2Warehouse application -
Cotton Cotton striped leafworm (Spodoptera exiqua) 250 ml/da,larva 7 day
Cotton Cotton aphid (Aphis gossypii) 100 ml/da,adult nymph 7 day
Cotton Leaf Fleas (Empoasca decipiens, Asymmetrasca decedens) 170 ml/da, adult nymph 7 day
Soy Bishop's Green Beetle (Nezara viridula) 170 ml/da nymph, adult 7 day
Soy Cotton striped leafworm (Spodoptera exiqua) 250 ml/da larva 7 day
Sesame Sesame moth (Antigastrata catalaunalis) 100 ml/da, larva 7 day

A total of 25 plants, 5 of which are next to each other on the rows, are checked, and the larvae are counted in corn to represent the field against the cotton striped leafworm. The application is made when there is an average of 2 larvae / plants.

If the beneficial insects along with aphids are intensive in the field controls against cotton aphids in cotton, the application should be postponed. Application is recommended when 50% dish seedling is detected after dilution during the seedling period and an average of 25 aphids per leaf in the field period.

Leaf fleas are counted in all 25 leaves, 1 of which is taken from the lower, middle and upper parts of the main stem of the plants randomly selected against cotton fleas. In this way, the average number of pests per leaf is found in a total of 100 leaves from the entire area. Application should be done when an average of 10 leaf fleas per leaf is detected.

In the controls against cotton striped leafworm in cotton, application is performed when 10 larvae or 2 newly opened eggs are seen in 100 plants.

The fight against unlucky in the vineyard takes place in two periods. First semester; This is the period when the grapevine begins to show wetness in the shells and unlubit starts to move towards the green part. In this period, the groves are about the size of chickpeas and the vines where only unlubit is seen should be sprayed. The second period is when the unlubit passes through the leaves and bunches and the grains begin to sweeten. If contamination is detected in most of the vines and also in the exported varieties, spraying can be done in both periods.

In poppy poppy rootsworm, between March and mid-April, when adults leave the soil with the highest density and at least 10 adults per m2, application should be done before laying eggs.

When the rate of pest and dishwash is 20% against the sesame moth, chemical control is applied.

The struggle should be started when there are 6 larvae of 3 m row length or 2 newly opened egg packs against the cotton striped leafworm in soybean.

When an average of 8 adults + nymphs with a row length of 3 m is detected against the greenhog in the soybean biscuit, chemical control is applied.

In determining the application time against the peach moth in apricot, sexually attractive traps, effective temperatures sum and plant phenology are used.

Tomatoes are entered in the field in terms of diagonals against the greenworm, 50-100 plants are controlled according to the size of the field, and the flowers, leaves, stems, fruits and shoots of the plant are searched for eggs and larvae. If 5 of 100 plants are found, the application is done.

It is applied as a green component application against bean capsule worm in beans.

In empty warehouses, application is made to wet all surfaces.

MIXABLE CONDITION: It should not be mixed with Dinitro compounds and plant protection products with Metalaxyl. It is recommended to make a pre-mix test before mixing with other plant protection products.

* It is not used in vineyards where harvest leaves will be harvested.