Harmful Organism Name | Disease Name | Administration dose | Time Between Last Application and Harvest |
Bond* | Bond Mildew (Plasmopara viticola) Ashing (Erysiphe necator) Dead Arm (Phomopsis viticola) | 75 ml/100 L water | 21 day |
Pepper (Greenhouse) | Ashing (Leveillula taurica) | 75 ml/100 L water | 3 day |
Paddy | Paddy blight (Pyricularia oryzae) | 100 ml/da | 28 day |
Tomato (Field) | Mildio (Phytophthora infestans) Early Leaf Blight (Alternaria solani) | 75 ml/100 L water | 3 day |
Cucumber | Cucurbit Mildio (Pseudoperonospora cubensis) | 60 ml/100 L water | 3 day |
Cucumber | Cucurbit in Ash (Erysiphe cichoracearum, Sphaerotecha fuliginea) | 75 ml/100 L water | 3 day |
Pumpkin | Cucurbit in Ash (Erysiphe cichoracearum, Sphaerotecha fuliginea) | 75 ml/100 L water | 3 day |
Watermelon | Alternaria Leaf Blight (Alternaria cucumerina) | 75 ml/da | 3 day |
* It is not used in vineyards where harvest leaves will be harvested.
How to Use the Plant Protection Product:
Bond Mildiyö: The first application should be started when the shoots reach 25-30 cm. Second and subsequent spraying
duration and the state of development of the disease, taking into account the meteorological factors, spraying is done with an interval of 10-15 days.
Bond Ash:
1st spraying: In the period when the shoots are 25-30 cm before the flower,
2nd spraying: During the period when flower buds are separated before flowering,
3. spraying: During the period when the flower petals are falling and the small pellets of the groves are large,
4. and other sprayings: According to the duration of the drug used after the third spraying,
It is done until the period.Bağ Ölükol:
• Summer spraying:
1.when spraying shoots are 2-3 cm,
2.When spraying shoots are 8-10 cm,
The third spraying shoots should be made in the circuit where it reaches 25-30 cm.
Hıyar Mildiyö: Spraying when the plants start to throw arms or with the first symptoms of mildew.
start and according to the severity of the disease, sprayings will cover all parts of the plant, especially under the leaves.
should be done in a way.
Cucumber and Pumpkin Ashing: Spraying is started when the first signs of disease are seen. Severity, climatic conditions
and continue spraying depending on the duration of the drug. Daily temperature average of 27 ° C
Disinfection should be interrupted when the humidity is above and below 50%.
Tomato Mildew: To fight against medication, brown spots of 3-5 mm in diameter in the surrounding tomato leaves
suitable conditions for the disease, with the appearance of a white ash under it or where the disease comes out every year
When it is seen, spraying is started. Depending on the course of the disease and climatic conditions, spraying at 10-12 day intervals.
Tomato Early Leaf Blight: As soon as the first spots appear on the pesticide and in the field
It should be initiated. When the climatic conditions are suitable for the development of the disease, depending on the duration of the drug, spraying
It must be repeated.
Pepper (Greenhouse) Ashing: When the first signs of disease are seen on the plants, spraying should be started and when necessary
Application is continued at 10-12 day intervals.
Watermelon Alternaria Leaf Blight: Chemical spraying is applied as green parts spraying. First in the environment
Application should be started with the appearance of symptoms. The severity of the disease, climatic conditions and duration of the drug
It is taken and taken spraying at 10-12 day intervals.
Paddy Blight Disease: In green part sprayings, spraying should be done when the disease is first seen. Necessary
In cases where the drug is used, the second and third sprayings should be done.
Miscibility: Cilia® is not recommended to be mixed with spreaders and adhesives in tomato applications.
* It is not used in vineyards where harvest leaves will be harvested.
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