Guaranteed Content (W / W)
Water soluble Potassium oxide (K2O) 20%

Physical information

pH 3-6
EC 0.800 mS / cm (1 g / lt)
K Block is a liquid fertilizer that works to increase the resistance of plants against environmental and physiological stress. The formulation is the result of the technological reaction process of mineral components of high purity and solubility. This K block provides an excellent formulation effect and can be absorbed quickly by leaves and roots.
When K Block is taken up by the plant, it has the following advantages in the development of plant organs (root, sprout, fruit):

Makes it possible to increase plant resistance with the formation of phytoalexins
Promotes rapid recovery after stress (bad weather, water shortage, etc.)
It helps to improve the absorption roots and their functions due to physiological degradation (plant age, vaccine incompatibility, etc.) or climatic reasons.
It supports the ripening process and its quality (color, taste, shelf life).
In BLOCK K applications, cell walls become more elastic and can be prevented to tear to a large extent.

In closed areas (greenhouse, tunnel, etc.) Leaf application should not exceed 100 gr (0.1%) for 100 Lt of water. Leaf applications should be done at the coolest hours of the day.

K Block can be mixed with insecticide except white oils, oil-based insecticides, Fosetil-Al, Dodin, Triforin, CIFO products and products. Pre-mixing tests are always recommended.