Plant dose
Eggplant 60 g / 100 l. water
Pepper 60 g / 100 l. water
Tomato 60 g / 100 l. water
broad bean 60 g / 100 l. water
Beans 60 g / 100 l. water
Pea 60 g / 100 l. water
Pumpkin 60 g / 100 l. water
Cucumber 60 g / 100 l. water


It promotes flowering, increases resistance and adaptation to temperature changes, facilitates fertility, and prevents flower and small fruit pouring.

Plants are affected very quickly and negatively from environmental and climatic conditions in critical periods such as the beginning of development, flowering, fertilization. Thanks to the active ingredients in UNIFRUIT, these difficult periods can be easily overcome.

UNIFRUIT promotes fruit attitude by facilitating sap circulation in plants. It ensures the development of fertilized fruits. It is especially recommended for blooming, small deciduous species.


The first spraying should be done at the beginning of flowering and repeated every 10 days in accordance with the flowering stages. For plants that do not exceed 3 weeks in the flowering period, 2 applications are sufficient. After 3 weeks, 3-4 applications are required depending on the length of this period.


60 g UNIFRUIT is used in 100 liters of water as a conventional dosage. Even if small volume sprayers will be used, it should not exceed 120 grams per 100 liters of water.

The sprayer tank is half filled with water. The recommended amount of the drug is first mixed with some water in a separate container. This mixture is put into the half-filled tank of the tool. After mixing, the tank is filled with the remaining amount of water required.

The application should be done by spraying abundantly, soaking the whole plant very well. The pulverizer should be shaken from time to time to mix the drug.

  • Spraying should be done at cool hours of the day.


    UNIFRUIT can be mixed with all organic pesticides and foliar fertilizers. However, it should not be confused with Bordeaux Slurry and Copper drugs.