Arvilmec EC

Plant Disease Harmful Weed Latin Name dose Duration Between Spraying and Harvesting
Pepper (greenhouse) Red Spider Tetranychus urticae 25 ml/100 L water 3 day
Strawberry Two-Point Red Spider Tetranychus urticae 25 ml / 100 L.water 3 day
Tomato Red Spider Tetranychus urticae 25 ml/da 3 day
Cucumber (Greenhouse) Red Spider Tetranychus spp 25 ml/100 L water 3 day
Cotton Red Spider Tetranychus cinnabarinus, T. urticae 50 ml/da 21 day
Eggplant (Greenhouse) İki Noktalı Kırmızı Örümcek Tetranychus urticae 25 ml / 100 L.water 3 day
Ornamental Plants Leaf gallery fly Liriomyza trifolii 25 ml/100L.water 7 day
Pear Pear pillidi Caccopysilla pyri 75 ml/100L.water 7 day


Tractor and back pulverizers and motorized atomizers can be used in foliar applications. Take care for a good coating in plants with dense green parts. Spraying should be avoided in cases where the green parts are wet during the hot hours of the day or when rain is expected immediately.

The sprayer is filled with 3/4 water. The recommended amount of medicine is mixed with some water in a separate container. The medicated water prepared by operating the mixing unit of the instrument is put into the spraying tool and the remaining 1/4 of water is added. Attention should be paid to wetting all parts of the plant. Calibration is done first to calculate the amount of water to be used per decare. For this, a certain amount of water is put into the tank of the tool and it is calculated by running at a constant speed in the field conditions, how much area can be wetted with the existing water. From here, how much water will be spent per decare is calculated with the calibrated tool. Then spraying is started.


Ornamental Plants: Spraying is started as soon as the first gallery signs are seen. If necessary, spraying can be repeated. There must be at least 7 days between two sprayings.

Pepper and Cotton: Spraying should be done when an average of 1-3 live red spiders are seen per leaf.

Strawberry: Spraying is decided when an average of 10 or more red spiders are detected per leaflet during the active period.

Vegetables (Red spider): For the first count in vegetables, during the flowering period, the land is entered diagonally from the corners of the parcels. In 3-5 steps, the count of red spider, nymph and adult in the bottom and middle leaves of a plant is counted and recorded with a magnifying glass. The number of leaves to be examined per decare is 20 in small-leaved plants and 10 in large-leaved plants. The number of red spiders per leaf is calculated by dividing the number of leaves counted.

Eggplant, Tomato and Cucumber: It should be sprayed when an average of 3-5 live red spiders are seen per leaf.

Pear: In the controls, which started to be carried out from the beginning of March, a single spraying is sufficient in the period when almost all of the eggs left by the wintering adult adults open and two and third term nymphs begin to appear.

PLANT RECOVERY: When used in accordance with the recommendations, it is well tolerated by the plants it is recommended. In case of hesitation, sensitive and new plant tolerance should be checked.

MIXABLE CONDITION: Mixing with other drugs should be tried beforehand. It does not mix with alkaline reaction drugs. Due to the resistance to drugs, it is recommended in cases that require drugs with different mechanism of action.