Plant Disease Harmful Weed Latin Name dose period

Time Between Last Spraying and Harvest

Cotton fused(Geliç) Sorghum halepense 100 ml/da After the exit, when Kanyaş is 25-40 cm 90 day
*vineyard fused(Geliç) Sorghum halepense 50 ml/da After the exit, when Kanyaş is 25-40 cm
Sugar beet fused(Geliç) Sorghum halepense 50 ml/da After the exit, when Kanyaş is 25-40 cm



Wild oats Avena spp. 60 ml/da In the weeding period of weeds 90 day
Wheat from Self Triticum spp. 60 ml/da In the weeding period of weeds
Onion Wild oats Avena spp. 35 ml/da In the weeding period of weeds
Bird food Phalaris spp. 35 ml/da In the weeding period of weeds

* It cannot be used in vineyards where harvest leaves will be harvested.

METHOD OF USE: Agrinil Extra 100 EC is a systemically effective, selective weed medicine that is used after single and perennial weeds in the graminea family (Post-em.), Which is a problem in broadleaf cultivated plants. Agrinil Extra 100 EC is rapidly taken from the leaves of narrow leaf weeds and transported to underground parts of these weeds such as stolon and rhizome. Agrinil Extra 100 EC can be used in every period of the development of broadleaf cultivated plants, but narrow leaf weeds must have been removed at the time of application. During the Agrinil Extra 100 EC application, weeds are in the active growth stage and this results in a better effect. A good coating should be done in application and application should be done at appropriate pressure (3 atmospheres). Fan nozzles are best suited for spraying. It is used with 20-40 l of water per decare with floor tools. Agrinil Extra 100 EC does not corrode the spraying tool and metal parts. After spraying, clean the spraying tool with plenty of water immediately.


Agrinil Extra 100 EC can be used in admixture with various insecticides and fungicides. However, it is not recommended to use it as a tank mixture with such drugs without prior in-situ miscibility testing, since there may be some decrease in both the effect and the endurance of the cultivated plant when it is used as a tank mixture with some broad leaf weed killer drugs. If no such test has been performed, Agrinil Extra 100 EC should be left for at least 3 days between other herbicide applications.