Plant Disease Harmful Weed

Latin Name

dose period
Sugar beet Cockscomb (Amaranthus albus) 416 ml/da For light soils
Dog currant (Solanum nigrum)
Sparrow language (Stelleria media)
Sirken (Chenopodium album) (Chenopodium album)

PROPERTIES AND EFFECT OF THE DRUG: Pyrazon Super is effective by taking the weeds through the roots and leaves. If weeds are applied to the soil before it reaches the soil surface, it is taken up by the roots of the grasses that are just germinating and kills them when they are in the soil or when they climb to the soil surface. Since the main effect is from the soil, a good success in the fight is achieved only by finding enough moisture in the soil to dissolve and spread the active substance. A seedless and properly prepared seed bed is essential for a good effect. If barnyard manure is to be used, this fertilization should be done in the fall, not in the spring.


Before beet planting: It is recommended in regions with dry spring and late planting. Pyrazon Super is applied to the field prepared for planting and mixed with soil or rakes superficially (3-4 cm) into the soil. Pyrazon Super is the safest and most widely used at this time. Thus, it also benefits from soil moisture and becomes effective with less rainfall.

After planting, before the beet exit: Pyrazon Super can be used as a surface spraying in the circuit, which starts immediately after planting and until a few days before the beet exit. This usage is recommended in regions with abundant and regular spring rains. In order for Pyrazon Super to be effective, approximately 20-25 mm of rain is needed within 2-3 weeks after spraying. If it does not rain, irrigation should be done in the form of sprinkling. A seedless and properly prepared seed bed is required for a good effect. It should be applied with 20-40 lt of water per decare.

Preparation of the drug: The drug, measured according to the dosage, is mixed with a little water in a separate container, mixed into the tank of the sprayer filled with water up to half and poured and filled with water.

Duration of Effect and Alternation: The effect of Pyrazon Super can last from a few weeks to a few months depending on climate and soil conditions. When it is necessary to spoil the beets (flood, hail, etc.) for any reason, potatoes, onions and corn can be planted again in the same field. Pyrazon Super does not make any phytotoxicity on cultivated crops after the normal harvest of beets if used in accordance with the recommendation.

MIXABLE CONDITION: It does not need to be mixed with other drugs.