Plant Name |
Weed Name |
Usage Dose and Period |
Time between last spraying and harvest |
Wheat |
Wild mustard (Sinapis arvensis) dead nettle(Lamium amplexicaule) Wild nails (Isatis tinctoria) Arabian bean (Vaccaria pyramidata) Thracian mustard (Neslia apiculata) Horned yogurt grass (G. tricomutum) Lentils from your own (Lens culinaris) Common vetch (Vicia sativa) Saritas clover (Melilotus officinalis) Sparrow language (Stellaria media) Shepherd's wand (Polygonum aviculare) Long broom grass (Descurania sophia) Shepherd's purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris) |
15 g / da Weeds In the period of 2-6 leaves
35 day
Stinkweed (Bifora radians) |
20 g / da Weeds In the period of 2-6 leaves
Egypt |
Purslane (Portulaca oleraceae) Pork beef (Xanthium strumarium) crowbar(Chenopodium album) Rooster Duck (Amaranthus albus) Red rooted foxtail (A. retroflexus) Imam cotton (Abutilon theophrastii) Devil's Apple (Datura stramonium) Currant (Solanum nigrum) Iron spur (Tribulus terrestris) |
25 g / da Weeds In the period of 2-6 leaves
35 day |
METHOD OF USE: Since ROUT is taken by leaves and stems, it is applied in 2-6 leaf period of weeds after emergence in wheat and corn. 20-30 liters of water should be used per decare. In order not to wash the drug over the plant, it should not rain for 4-5 hours after application. The fact that the air temperature is above 10 ºC during the application period increases the effectiveness of the drug.
It can be mixed with our medicines such as MERIT and ALPAC. Mixtures should be used without waiting.
Sosyal Ağ