Plant |
Disease Harmful Weed |
Latin Name | dose | Duration Between Spraying and Harvesting |
Olive | Ring Spot Disease | (Cycloconium oleaginum) |
1st spraying 1500 g 2nd spraying 1000 g |
14 day |
*vineyard | Downy mildew | (Plasmopara viticola) |
1st spraying 700 g 2nd spraying 1000 g 3rd spraying 1300 g |
14 day |
Dead arm | (Cryptosporella viticola) |
500 g (summer spraying) 3500 g (winter spraying) |
14 day | |
Peach | Leaf Curl | (Taphrina deformans) | 1500 g | 14 day |
Apple | Black stain | (Venturia inaequalis) | 1500 g | 14 day |
Apricot | Leaf-Piercing (freckle disease) | (Coryneum beijerinckii) |
1250 g (dormant period) 625 g (normal period) |
14 day |
Tomato | Downy mildew | (Phytophthora infestans) | 400 g/da | 14 day |
* It cannot be used in vineyards where harvest leaves will be harvested.
METHOD OF PREPARATION FOR THE APPLICATION: The tank of the sprayer is filled halfway with water. The required amount of drug is slurried in a separate container with a small amount of water and placed in the tank. The mixing apparatus of the tool is operated and the required amount of water remaining is added to the tank. A good coating should be done during spraying. Spraying should be done in windless weather.
Olive spraying times
In Marmara Region: In Aegean Region
1st spraying: First spraying in the first half of October: Before the olives shoots (in February)
2. Spraying: 2nd spraying in the first half of April: Olives should be done before flowering (in April).
In the Mediterranean Region:
1st spraying: in November or December
2nd spraying: in the first half of March
3rd spraying: in the first half of April
Bağda Mildiyö: Spraying is started when the shoots are 25-30 cm in average. It should be repeated every 10-14 days.
Dead arm in vineyard: Winter practice: The period just before the eyes wake up after pruning.
Summer application: 1st spraying shoots are 2-3 cm tall, 2nd spraying shoots are 8-10 cm tall, 3rd spraying shoots are 25-30 cm tall.
Apple Karaleke: Used when the flower eyes are about to swell.
Leaf curl in peach: Used when the buds are about to swell.
Leaf-piercing in apricot: 1st spraying: After autumn leaf fall (domart period). 2nd spraying: Before the flower buds open in the spring (normal period). 3. spraying: The leaf and early organ plate should be done while stripping the end of the fruit.
Mildio in Tomato: It is started when the symptoms are seen, it is applied twice with an interval of 10 days.
It should be used alone without mixing with other drugs (insecticide, fungicide, BGD etc.).
Sosyal Ağ