Plant | Disease Harmful Weed | Latin Name | dose | Duration Between Spraying and Harvesting |
tomato | Early blight | Alternarıa solanı | 420 ml/100 L. water | 14 day |
* vineyard | Downy mildew | Plasmopara viticola | 350 ml/100 L.water | 14 day |
peach | Leaf curl | Taphrina deformans | 700 ml/100 L.water | 14 day |
apple | Black stain | Venturia inaequalis | 400 ml/100 L.water | 14 day |
olive | Ring spot disease | Cycloconium oleaginum | 400 ml/100 L.water | 14 day |
apricot | Leaf piercing | Wilsonomyces carpophylus | 675 ml/100 l water | 14 day |
It cannot be used in vineyards where harvest leaves will be harvested.
Early Leaf Blight in Tomato; It is started as soon as the disease is first seen, and 2 sprayings are made with an interval of 10 days.
Mildio in Vineyard; Application is started when the shoots reach 25-30 cm of paint. It is continued at 10-15 day intervals.
Leaf Curl in Peach; It is applied when the eyes begin to swell in early spring.
Apple in Karaleke; Spraying is done when the eyes begin to swell.
Ring Stain Disease in Olive; In Marmara Region: 1. Spraying is done before the autumn shoots are seen. 2. Spraying is done after the flower pots become evident before the flowers bloom. Aegean Region: 1. Spraying is done in spring before the shoots are seen. 2. Spraying is done after the flower pots become evident before the flowers bloom. In the Mediterranean Region: 1. Spraying is done after harvest. 2. Spraying is done before the spring shoots are seen. 3. Spraying is done after the flower pots become evident before the flowers bloom.
Leaf Peeler in Apricot; 1. spraying immediately after leaf fall in autumn; The second spraying should be done in the spring when the flower buds swell, before the flowers open, the 3rd spraying should be done in the period when the leaf and the male organ cover are stripping the end of the fruit.
It should be used alone without mixing with other drugs (insecticide, fungicide, BGD etc.).
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