Plant | Disease Harmful Weed | Latin Name |
dose |
Duration Between Spraying and Harvesting |
Cereals | ashing | Erysiphe spp., | 50 ml/da | 35 day |
Cucumber (Greenhouse) | ashing | Erysipse cichoracearum, Sphaerotheca fuliginea | 20 ml/100 L. water | 7 day |
Cucumber (Greenhouse) | ashing | (Erysiphe cichoracearum, sphaerotheca fuliginea) | 20 ml/100 Lwater | 7 day |
*vineyard | ashing | Uncinula necator | 10 ml/100 L. water | 7 day |
Domates | ashing | Leveillula taurica | 40 ml/100 L. water | 3 day |
Tomato (greenhouse) | ashing | (Leveillula taurica) | 40 ml/100 L water | 3 day |
Eggplant (greenhouse) | ashing | (Leveillula taurica) | 40 ml/100 L water | 3 day |
* It cannot be used in vineyards where harvest leaves will be harvested.
PREPARATION OF THE DRUG: The required amount of drug is slurried with a little water in a separate container. The water is filled until half and the mixer is added to the working spraying tank and mixed and completed with water. When applying, be careful to spray the lower and upper surfaces of the leaves thoroughly. Apply it in the morning or in the evening when the weather is not very hot.
Powdery mildew in cereals: When the symptoms of the disease begin to appear or the plant and the field are started to be sprayed without gaining too much density. Application is continued according to the climatic conditions.
Cucumber in cucumber: When the disease is not seen or the first signs of disease are seen in the environment, spraying is done in such a way that all parts of the plant are sprayed. If the conditions are suitable for the disease, spraying should be done 2-5 times at 15-day intervals.
Bonding in the vineyard: First spraying and second spraying against shoots of 25-30 cm length of shoots are applied in the period when the groats are ridiculous grain size, third and other sprayings are made by considering the meteorological and ecological conditions of the region and the development of the disease. Spraying is stopped when fresh water is passed to the grains.
Powdery mildew in tomato and eggplant: It should be done when the first signs of disease are seen.
MIXABLE CONDITION: Triadimenol can be mixed with Propineb-containing fungicides and MCPA-containing herbicides.
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