Plant Disease Harmful Weed Latin Name dose Duration Between Spraying and Harvesting

Downy mildew

(Plasmopara viticola) 200 ml/100 L water 7 day

Dead Arm (Summer spraying only.)

(Phomopsis viticola) 200 ml/100 L water 7 day
Tomato Early Leaf Blight (Alernaria solani) 200 ml/da 7 day
Bacterial Speckle Disease (Pseudomonas syringae)
Downy mildew (Phytophtora infestans)

Ring Spot Disease

(Spilocaea oleagina) 350 ml/100 L water 7 day
Apricot Leaf-piercing (Freckle disease) (Wilsonomyces carpophylus)

500 ml/100 L water(Dormant period)

250 ml/100 L water (Normal period)

7 day
Citrus Brown Spot Disease (Alternaria alternata f.sp.citri) 300 ml/100 L water 7 day

* It cannot be used in vineyards where harvest leaves will be harvested.


The sprayer tank is filled in half with water. The required amount of the drug is slurried in a separate container with some water and placed in the tank. By running the mixing device, water is added until the tank is full. During application, the plants should be washed in the best way and the bottom surfaces of the leaves should be wetted by attaching underground nozzles to the ground tools. Spraying should be done in windless weather.


Bağda Mildiyö: Spraying is started when the shoots are 25-30 cm in average. Repeat 3-4 times with 2-week intervals. Ölüol in Bağ; 1st spraying shoots are 2-3 cm tall, 2nd spraying shoots are 8-10 cm tall, 3rd spraying shoots are 25-30 cm tall.

Early leaf blight and bacterial spot disease in tomatoes: When the first signs of disease are seen, spraying is started and repeated if necessary. Mildio in Tomato: When the symptoms are seen, start spraying and apply twice with an interval of 10 days.

Ring spot disease in olive: In the Marmara region:

1st spraying: When the grains reach normal size, when the fruits are in the green grain period. (October)

2nd spraying: In spring, when the trees are not blooming yet. (Engagement)

In the Aegean and Mediterranean regions:

1. spraying: Stagnation of trees before exile (Aegean: February-March, Mediterranean: November-December)

2nd spraying: The period when the trees have not yet blossomed (April)

Leaf-piercing in apricot: 1st spraying: After autumn leaf fall (Dormant period)

2nd spraying: Before the flower buds open in the spring (Normal period)

3rd spraying: While the leaf and male organ trays are stripped in fruits (Normal period)

Leaf blight disease in citrus: It is started when the first signs of disease are seen on the shoots of spring. It is repeated with an interval of 10 days.


Top-Copp 5 E is used by mixing with many other pesticides, except Dodine-containing drugs. It should not be mixed with chelated or liquid leaf fertilizers.

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