The plant protection product Mospilan 20 SP is an insecticide classified as Group 4A according to its mechanism of action.
Active substance: Contains 20% Acetamiprid.
SP: (Water soluble powder)
The plant protection product Mospilan 20 SP is an insecticide classified as Group 4A according to its mechanism of action. Repetitive applications of plant protection products with the same mechanism of action promote resistance development. Therefore, in order to delay the development of resistance, do not exceed the total number of recommended applications of Mospilan 20 SP in the same production season.
The drug is systemic effective. It passes into the plant shortly after spraying and maintains its effect for 14 to 21 days.
CALIBRATION: Before starting spraying, the instrument should be calibrated. First, a tank should be sprayed with water to find out how much area is sprayed, then the drug with the corresponding dose should be prepared.
COMPATIBILITY: Can be applied by mixing with other insecticides, fungicides and foliar fertilizers except for alkali properties.
Repetitive applications of plant protection products with the same mechanism of action promote resistance development. Therefore, in order to delay the development of resistance, do not exceed the recommended number of applications of the plant protection product during the same production season. In cases where the application should be repeated, pay attention to the use of plant protection products with different mechanism of action.
APPLICATION: Application should be done after morning dew and in the evening cool. If it rains 6 hours after spraying, spraying is repeated. Do not apply more than two applications during the same growing period.
Black aphid in cherry: In March-October shoot controls at least 7 shoots / trees with black aphid should be sprayed if contaminated.
Peach aphid: Peach aphid: When the flower buds begin to shoot at least 7 shoots / 50 trees peach aphid should be sprayed with a dish.
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