The plant protection product SUMIGOLD 20 EC is an insecticide classified as Group 3A according to its mechanism of action.

Active substance: Contains 20% Esfenvalerate.

EC: (Emulsifiable Concentrate)

The plant protection product SUMIGOLD 20 EC is an insecticide classified as Group 3A according to its mechanism of action.

Repetitive applications of plant protection products with the same mechanism of action promote resistance development. Therefore, to delay resistance development, do not exceed the total number of recommended applications of SUMIGOLD 20 EC during the same production season.

In cases where the application should be repeated, pay attention to the use of plant protection products with different action mechanisms (other than Group 3A).

Repetitive applications of plant protection products with the same mechanism of action promote resistance development. Therefore, in order to delay the development of resistance, do not exceed the recommended number of applications of the plant protection product during the same production season. In cases where the application should be repeated, pay attention to the use of plant protection products with different mechanism of action.

Preparation of the drug for application: The required amount of the drug is first mixed with some water in a separate container. The sprayer is filled with water up to half and the mixture is poured into it and the remaining amount of water is added and mixed.

Disinfection should be done after morning dew and in the cool hours of the day.

The drug can be disposed of with any type of sprayer.

In order to ensure contact with the pest, it is essential that the drug is sprayed to provide a good coating, including the lower surfaces of the leaves.